
Rural Program Impact
Since 2016

  • 17105
    Persons with mental illness treated
  • 39489
    Caregivers supported


  • Karnataka (Davangere, Mysore, Gulbarga, Bidar, Belagavi)
  • Madhya Pradesh (Chhindwara)
  • Himachal Pradesh (Kangra)
  • Tamil Nadu (Thiruvallur, Theni)
  • Odisha (Koraput, Puri, Cuttack)
  • Kerala (Idukki)
  • Andhra Pradesh (Kondapalli, Timapur)

On Ground Impact

  • Access to treatment and medication: In Thiruvallur, 91.6% of identified PWMIs receive regular treatment and medication.
  • Community Mobilization and Participation: Despite the pervasive stigma surrounding mental illness in Idukki, Kerala, LiveLoveLaugh's implementation partner, VOSARD, has achieved remarkable success. They have mobilised 90% of community workers, including ASHAs and Anganwadi workers, who are actively engaged in the program, demonstrating robust community involvement.
  • Economic Upliftment of caregivers: In Koraput, Odisha, the program has supported 301 caregivers in accessing various livelihood opportunities. As a result, they are earning INR 2500-3000 per month, making a significant contribution to their economic empowerment. 
  • Enhanced well-being through Counselling and Coping Skills: In Belgaum district, Karnataka, 600 PWMIs received personalised counselling and coping skills training, aimed at improving mental health outcomes.
  • Improved awareness leading to new identifications: In Gulbarga, Karnataka, awareness initiatives including street exhibitions, engaged nearly 600 participants, educating them on mental illness symptoms and identification. These efforts yielded tangible results, with many  new PWMI’s identified and enrolled as program beneficiaries.
  • In Davangere, treatment costs dropped from Rs. 3000- Rs 4000 per month to zero, owing to free treatment and medication provided as part of the intervention

Stories Of Hope


Dobara Poocho, India’s first nationwide public awareness campaign on mental health launched in 2016, drove public awareness about mental health and normalized conversations through digital, print, outdoor, radio and television mediums to reach audiences. The campaign aimed to instil empathy in people and encourage them to reach out to those suffering from mental illness.

View Campaign here


Over 3 million views across LLL social media channels in 2016


Since launch of the campaign, there was 198% increase in editorial coverage of mental health in the Indian media


conversations around depression (26% increase) post launch of the campaign


The #NotAshamed campaign was launched in 2018 to  increase awareness, de-stigmatize mental illness and encourage people with lived experiences to speak out and seek help.

View Campaign here


of people with lived experience said they discussed the campaign with friends, family, colleagues


of the people with lived experience felt a sense of freedom, hope, empowerment, empathy, interest on release of the campaignin editorial coverage of mental health in the Indian media


of the general public said they would be more sensitive and understanding towards people suffering from depression

List of Mental Health Professionals


Mental Health Professionals on the Find Help Page



Mental Health Professionals on the Find Help Page

Stories Of Hope

"I made sure he felt supported and had access to medical professionals"

November 2022
David Liano

Being a mountaineer, I’ve lived some of the most gratifying moments of my life

In The Press



SheSparks Award for Social Impact, 2024

Our CEO, Anisha Padukone, was honored with the SheSparks Award for Social Impact. The SheSparks awards committee commended Anisha’s dedication to uplifting persons with mental illness and fostering community empowerment.

Read more -

The CSR Universe Social Impact Award, 2023

LiveLoveLaugh won the The CSR Universe Social Impact Award 2023 in the Mental Health & Wellbeing category.

Time Award, 2022

Our founder Deepika Padukone has been honoured with the TIME100 Impact Award in 2022 for her work as a mental health advocate and actor. The TIME100 Impact Award recognizes global leaders who have gone above and beyond to move their industries and the world forward. 

Crystal Award, 2020

Deepika Padukone, actor and founder, The LiveLoveLaugh Foundation (TLLLF), was honoured with the 26th Annual Crystal Award at World Economic Forum’s 2020 Annual Meeting. The Crystal Award instituted by the World Economic Forum celebrates the achievements of artists and cultural figures whose leadership inspires inclusive and sustainable change. 

Dr Guislain “Breaking the Chains of Stigma” Award, 2019

The LiveLoveLaugh Foundation (TLLLF) received the prestigious Dr Guislain “Breaking the Chains of Stigma” Award. The global award, which is an initiative of the Dr Guislain Museum in Ghent, Belgium and Janssen Research and Development LLC, honoured LLL’s efforts to change the dialogue around mental illness in India.


"The Live Love Laugh Foundation Rural Program is very innovative and has a holistic approach. It brings changes at three levels, individual level, family level and community level."

Anil Patil
Founder and Executive Director
Carers Worldwide

"Thanks to Live Love Laugh Foundation and Carers Worldwide in particular, because without them the project wouldn't have been possible in Thiruvallur District."

Program Manager
Vasantham Federation of Differently Abled Persons

"We created an ecosystem for persons with mental illness by creating mass awareness and reduced stigma at a community level. We have also reduced stress burden and economic burden for carers. Due to this, many people with mental illness have stabilized and are involved in livelihood activities. All of this work is happening because of LLL’s support."

Santhosha S
Senior Project Coordinator
The Association of People with Disability

“Hope through Action - Important message by Deepika Padukone and TLLLF. We all need to work together towards our collective goal of suicide prevention.”

Dr Samir Parikh (Via Twitter/X)
Psychiatrist and Chairperson
Fortis National Mental Health Program

“As an organization, we have so much to thank you for. You have been a beacon of hope for millions of young people in India who are dealing with mental health issues. We are delighted to inform you that we have been listed on the official website of LLL for over 5 years now. Since listing, the calls for emotional help and support to our helplines have increased by over 50%!"

From our Helpline Partner,
Lifeline Kolkata

“I got to know about Voice That Cares through The LiveLoveLaugh Foundation’s Instagram page. After going through the details, I immediately dialled the helpline number to seek some guidance. The counsellor was very calm and polite in dealing with my problems and gave me suggestions to deal with my mental trauma. Talking to the counsellor has shown positive results and has given me a new perspective to look at life.”

From a caller seeking support from Voice
That Cares Helpline via the LLL website

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