Self Care / Support

Goals for Better Mental Health with Live Love Laugh

"The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step" – Lao Tzu.

At the end of each year, people worldwide have one common practice: setting New Year's resolutions. While it may be easy for some, setting goals for mental health can be challenging for people with mental illness, and creating New Year's resolutions is a daunting task. The ringing in of the New Year is often difficult for those struggling with mental health.

So, what is a resolution? The word "resolution" means to commit to a decision to either do or avoid something in order to bring about a change in our lifestyle. Resolutions are goals that a person may want to accomplish over a short period of time or several years. Resolutions bring a sense of purpose, and achieving them brings a sense of accomplishment. The key to setting resolutions is not to set large goals but rather smaller ones that can be accomplished on a daily basis. Better mental health is a goal that many individuals strive for. You can either choose to complete all of them every day or assign one task per day. When it comes to mental health, depression and anxiety are the most common issues that people struggle with. To help make your journey towards better mental health smoother, here are some effective goals that can help you overcome these challenges and improve your overall well-being.

● SMART technique: It is a method for setting effective mental health goals. To use it, be specific about which areas of mental health require improvement, set measurable and achievable goals, and avoid vague goals like "be happier'. Instead, focus on specific areas like "reduce stress levels" or "improve self-esteem". Additionally, ensure that goals are relevant and time-bound, and track progress while setting a deadline to stay motivated and focused.

Digital Detox: To promote better mental health, it can be beneficial to incorporate regular digital detoxes into your routine. With social media being full of unrealistic expectations, setting goals to limit screen time and taking breaks from technology can help improve your well-being, reduce stress levels, and increase focus and productivity.

● Exercising: Exercising regularly increases the cortisol levels (The hormone responsible for the "fight and flight response") in our body. Any form of exercise, be it walking, running, or swimming, has the ability to elevate our mood and eventually reduce anxiety and stress by providing a sense of calm and peace of mind. Try to exercise anywhere between 20 min – 40 min to see the difference.

Meditation: Meditation has been used for a long time to achieve peace of mind. It is one of the best ways of relieving stress. Meditation increases our dopamine levels (helps us determine our mood and experience pleasure). It helps in decreasing symptoms of issues related to mental health, depression anxiety and stress.

● Journaling: Writing down your feelings helps you reflect and understand your emotions, how your day was and what aspect of an event might have upset you. At the end of the year, you can look back at your log and see how far you have come!

● Healthy Social Groups: Maintaining a healthy social circle increases a sense of belonging and purpose. Social connections not only provide pleasure but also influence our long-term health, like good sleep and a good diet. Dozens of studies have shown that people who have satisfying relationships with family, friends, and their community are happier and have fewer health problems.

● Practicing gratitude: Gratitude is the practice of doing something without expecting anything in return. When an individual shows gratitude, they have an overall positive attitude. As a result, they experience fewer negative or toxic emotions such as envy, frustration, or resentment.

● Hobbies: Hobbies can range from going on a trek to just watching a movie. It is an outlet to explore your interest and helps you unwind and relax after a long day.

● Self-care: Self-care is very important in a busy life as often one needs to remember to take time out for themselves. Practicing self-care can be anything from reading a book or pampering yourself with a spa to taking a vacation to unwind.

The key to setting realistic goals is to start small. Instead of trying to accomplish everything at once, focus on one or two small goals that you can realistically achieve. Remember, these are your goals. If you don't feel like achieving them, you don't have to. If, at any point, it seems too much of an uphill task, feel free to alter your list of resolutions. Every day is a new beginning.

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