
Talking about Mental Illness at the Workplace

Talking about Mental Illness at the Workplace

During adulthood work-life plays a critical role, fulfilling many of the most basic needs such as, a means to earn a living - providing food, financial security and shelter, a place to form interpersonal relationships and develop a sense of belonging and efficacy. Most adults also spend a majority of their time at work, which is why it has an impact on their mental and physical health. 

Research has shown that among corporate employees 80% showed symptoms of anxiety related disorders and 55% showed signs of depressive disorders. Moreover, a study found that Indians spend an average of 52 hours per week at work. This was the highest when compared to 25 other countries. Additionally, 46% of the Indian workforce is also experiencing stress related issues. Persistent stress can take a huge toll on one’s health and well-being. In some people, stress can manifest as physical symptoms of fatigue, lowered immune systems, insomnia and other cognitive issues.

Mental health in the workplace is an essential topic that needs more attention. The stigma associated with mental illness in India is a significant barrier preventing people from speaking openly about their struggles and seeking the support they need. This stigma stems from a lack of understanding about the nature of mental illness and tends to exclude those who do not fit into what is deemed proper. Workplace mental health awareness is essential for fostering a healthy and productive work environment.

Despite the challenges, it is crucial to address mental health in the workplace. Open communication with management about mental health concerns can lead to better support and accommodations. Before approaching a manager or boss, it is wise to consider the reasons for disclosing this information and the type of support needed from the organisation. This approach ensures that management is informed about employees' needs, helping to create a supportive environment that enhances both health and productivity. If speaking directly to a manager feels uncomfortable, discussing the issue with someone in the Human Resources department is a good alternative.

The implementation of the Mental Health Care Act 2017, is an active effort to provide treatment for mental illness, while ensuring that those impacted are not discriminated against by the Government or any other institutions. This being said, you are not under any obligation to disclose this information with managers or co-workers. This matter is private and should be shared only with those you are comfortable with.

Although the above legislation is intended to protect this marginalised group the current work environment is not equipped to handle these sensitive situations. Disclosing your mental illness may not be received with open-mindedness or comradery. Indian corporates are not well prepared or trained to handle these situations and there is a chance that you may not receive the support you require. 

By starting this discussion in the workplace, you are empowering others who may also be struggling and provide hope that change can be affected. Starting an open dialogue about mental health is also an opportunity to reduce surrounding stigma and create a safe and inclusive working environment for all.

Managing stress in the workplace is another crucial aspect of promoting mental health. Employers can implement various strategies to help employees manage stress, such as offering flexible work hours, providing access to mental health resources, and creating a culture of support and understanding. Reducing stress in the workplace not only benefits individual employees but also contributes to overall organisational success.

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